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Addressing New Zealand’s biggest planning issues

Addressing New Zealand’s biggest planning issues

Convergence has provided media and communications support to the New Zealand Planning Institute’s (NZPI) annual conference since 2017. Our objective is to increase awareness of the event with potential delegates, stakeholders and industry leaders through strategic media relations.

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West Coast celebrates 150 years of dairying

West Coast celebrates 150 years of dairying

2019 marked 150 years since the first commercial dairy company was established on the South Island’s West Coast – and on ‘The Coast’ that means stories - lots of them.

Steve Attwood

Steve Attwood

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Good Shepherd New Zealand exposes economic abuse

Good Shepherd New Zealand exposes economic abuse

New Zealand’s hidden economic abuse issue was exposed, on the back of new research released by Convergence client Good Shepherd New Zealand (GSNZ).

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Highly commended for sharing story of ethical beauty brand

Highly commended for sharing story of ethical beauty brand

Convergence was highly commended for our support of ethical beauty products business, Ethique, in the Sustained Public Relations category at the 2017 Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ) Awards.

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Award winning campaign for Splore music and arts festival

Award winning campaign for Splore music and arts festival

Convergence won the Limited Budget category for communicating the sustainability messages of music and arts festival, Splore, at the 2017 Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ) Awards.

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A supreme award win for Convergence and Social Innovation

A supreme award win for Convergence and Social Innovation

A joint entry by Convergence Communications and Social Innovation won the Supreme Award for communications by the Student Volunteer Army following the 22 February earthquake at the 2012 Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ) Awards.

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